Did you know there are many options when it comes to playing? A number of.

While fighting cultists Borderlands3, the phenomenon struck me. Space western’s irreverent humor has been a favorite of mine for a lengthy time, so I was extremely excited to begin the mission. My constant concern about finding the right weapon kept me.

I would sit for hours every night obsessively comparing information about weaponsand switching between guns and trying to figure out which one was the most efficient. It was thrilling at first. It was thrilling at firstbut then I realized that I was spending too much time looking at numbersinstead of playing -

I observed that the battles weren’t fun for me. To reorganize my weapons cache I stopped every battle between 4-8x. Each new find made it harder to predict what I would find. It was tiring to look through the entire loot box.


My passion for photography has evolved into my job.

Borderlands could be the culprit. It’s not all. I’ve required searching their huge arsenals in the middle of battle for the gadget that could help me feel the pain.


They offer many choices to overcome monotony. This is something that I enjoy. It’s frustrating having to decide whether to use a Freeze Blast to rid Gotham of its grime or blasts from Explosive gel. It will do the job. Because you’re Batmanyou’re Batman, right.

Many studies show that people are happier having more choices. However, I’m not sure that eliminating flavor-enhancing elements from video games will solve the problem. Perhaps the problem is in the structure of the game more than the player. I’m extremely unsure and be a tense person for hours discussing verbs. My tendency to overanalyse makes sense for my playstyle. I jumped at the chance. Borderlands was the first game I played to help me overcome my lack of clarity.

VIDEO GAME – HOW to not overthink

Rule 1 I’ll stick to the weapon that is comfortable, and is fun to play with, regardless of how powerful it isregardless of whether it’s a peashooter that is level 7 or higher, or another blaster.

Rule 2. I was prohibited from accessing my inventory, or swapping weapons until I had finished making my weapon fully equipped. Or Pandora in this instance.

Rule 3: I was forbidden from purchasing weapons from brands that I felt were lackingluster (looking at Dahl). I identified three aspects that mattered to mesuch as scopes, fire rates, and damage. This was done to avoid being lured by features like massive magazines and undercarriage-mounted bomber launchers.

There were a few obstacles along the way like when I was forced to confront a man with firearms that didn’t deal fire damage. However, once the weapons were put in place, the enjoyment of playing the game soared. When I was involved in a dispute, I felt more at ease trusting my instincts rather than considering all options.

The best part is that I can say it. Knowing that I would be safe no matter what happened to “One Gun to Rule them All” helped me make better decisions at home, at work, and even with my friends. In order to choose the perfect dish, I don’t have to look through 15 minutes of a menu. If that’s not enough, I don’t know how to make it better.